When Josh and Lydia first were diagnosed with Celiac, I remember panicking and freaking out about everything food related. I would question myself about every single food and even found myself wondering “is popcorn gluten free?” Thankfully the answer is yes! Popcorn in its primary state is gluten free because it is just a dried kernel of corn and corn is commonly used in gluten free products and substitutes.

I was so relieved when I realized popcorn is gluten free and knew that I would still be able to give it as a snack to Lydia. She was so little (only 7 at the time) and a very picky eater. The changes were overwhelming, and she was scared about changing her diet. I re-assured her that one of her favorite snacks, popcorn, was safe.
As we continued to pursue Lydia’s gluten free journey, I considered some other aspects of popcorn being gluten free because I know lots of foods have exceptions to their gluten free status. I considered the following forms of popcorn and how the question “is popcorn gluten free?” may be affected in different popcorn scenarios:
Movie Theater
Going to a movie theater to enjoy a film on the big screen can be such a fun outing. But the real treat is eating popcorn at the movies! Yes, I know people will say that there are so many calories in movie theater popcorn, but I’m talking about the treat of it here. This got me thinking, about whether movie theater popcorn is gluten free? I did a bunch of research and even called around to find out the answer because I wasn’t going to make my child sick when she was so new to this journey.
Whew! Yes, movie theater popcorn is gluten free. The popcorn is cooked in oil and the seasoning is mainly salt. You can even get the butter added on top. This was such a relief as most of the chocolate bar options were not gluten free and safe for Lydia to have.
Flavored Seasoning
Another one of Lydia’s favorite treats is to have flavored popcorn. She loves to go to the flavored popcorn store and get a giant bag of salt and vinegar, dill pickle or superkid. She even convinces me to buy the seasoning in jars for use at home when we have family movie nights. Thankfully all of the seasonings from Kernels are gluten free and their take home seasonings are amazing. If you don’t live in Canada, the Kernel Seasons brand is just as delicious and easily available in the US. You can grab them here.
For at home enjoyment, we use our microwave popcorn bowl and then sprinkle the seasoning on top after the popcorn is ready. These popcorn bowls are amazing as you only need popcorn kernels and you save a ton of money this way. When we want to change it up, the microwave popcorn bags are also a great option.

Store Bought Pre-Flavored
The other popular popcorn option is to buy the flavored popcorn from the grocery store. We often do this before a road trip when we know we will want snacks in the car. Thankfully most of these store purchased varieties are gluten free, but please make sure to read the label before buying as a manufacturer can change their ingredients at any moment. Our favorites include sweet and salty kettle corn, cheddar, caramel and cheddar mix. Give them a try, they are delicious. Ummm, now my mouth is watering. I am going to order some.
I am so relieved that we discovered the answer to the question “is popcorn gluten free?” Having popcorn available as a snack has been a lifesaver in our household with a child growing up gluten free. She doesn’t feel like she’s missing out because we can give her so many fun popcorn options as a treat.
Do you use any other methods to make popcorn more fun in your house? Let us know in the comments below.
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