In this article in the series of “Is it gluten free?” we look at potatoes. Is potatoes gluten free?

Potato is gluten free. While potatoes are a starchy vegetable the starch within potato does not contain gluten. Gluten is often associated with starch and carbohydrates leading to confusion of is potatoes gluten free? Not all carbohydrates and starchy foods contain gluten. The gluten protein is found in select cereal grains such as wheat and barley, gluten is not found in potatoes.
Fresh Potatoes
Growing up my grandparents had a large garden where they would grow their own potatoes. Some of the favorite memories I have of my grandfather were digging potatoes in the garden. Early in the summer as the potatoes would begin to grow, we would carefully dig under a plant to check to see if some new potatoes would be ready to steal for dinner. It was always such an exciting time when the baby potatoes were ready. We would pull out just enough potatoes from under the plant for dinner allowing the rest of the plant to continue to grow. A quick wash and scrub of any stuck-on dirt was all the preparation they would need before being placed on the stove to cook. The tender flesh of the new potatoes cooked quickly. Soon dinner would be on the table the fresh new potatoes with butter and a touch of salt and pepper were the highlight of the meal.
Sharing the joy of digging potatoes with kids is something that will always be treasured. A great alternative that is more accessible is going to a farmers’ market early in the summer to buy fresh potatoes. I am so thankful the potato is gluten free and that I can still share the experience of fresh baby potatoes with Lydia, given that we both are celiac and need to eat gluten free.
Lefsa was another potato dish that was always looked forward to when I was growing up. The day after a big holiday meal we would make lefsa with the leftover mashed potatoes. The family recipe was simply the leftover plain creamy mashed potatoes and flour worked into a stiff dough. A small ball of this dough was then rolled on a flour covered surface until it was about 1/8” thick. The thin lefsa sheet was then cooked on a hot flour covered griddle until it began to brown but was still soft and chewy. As the lefsa came off the griddle we would spread butter and brown sugar on it before rolling it up. When I was diagnosed as Celiac and beginning to eat gluten free, I was sure the sweet and chewy bite of lefsa was something I would never taste again. With wheat flour as one of the two ingredients it seemed that lefsa would be nothing but a distant memory. A few years past and I was ready to take on the challenge of making gluten free potato lefsa. The first few attempts were absolute failures! But the longing for the sweet and chewy bite provided the motivation to keep trying. A good gluten free flour substitute such as Robin Hood Gluten Free Flour with a small amount of additional xanthan gum creates a very close recreation for the gluten free potato dish. The uncooked gluten free lefsa is more prone to ripping, we have found that not rolling it as thin leads to the best results. As with anything gluten free, a dedicated work and cooking space is required. With everything covered in flour cooking gluten free lefsa near normal lefsa is sure to lead to cross contamination.
Potato Dumplings

Another potato dish that was a family tradition when I was younger was making potato dumplings. For this dish, we would shred the raw potato and squeeze out all the moisture, sprinkling a little salt to help draw out the water. With as much water removed from the shredded potato as possible flour was added to form a stiff and heavy dough. Balls of the potato and flour dough were and dropped into boiling water to cook. The heavy potato dumplings were then served with a side of bacon grease. I will never forget the first time Kate joined us for a family meal of potato dumplings. The look on her face as a pan of bacon was passed around the table and everyone was spooning out the bacon grease from the pan and pouring it over their plate. Kate gave me this look of confusion and horror but with some convincing gave it a try and loved it. While it may not be a heart healthy meal it was a much-loved family meal.
As with lefsa I was sure that there was no way to make the potato dumplings gluten free. Much to my surprise using Robin Hood Gluten Free Flour as a direct flour substitute the same dense flavor sponges turned out amazing.
Gluten Free Potato Dishes
Potatoes offer a great starch to include in a gluten free diet. Potatoes can be used in many ways beyond the traditional mashed potatoes with Thanksgiving dinner.
- Baked potatoes loaded with sour cream and bacon bits offer a fantastic gluten free side at a barbeque or with a steak dinner.
- French fries are one of Lydia’s favorite things to order when we go out to eat. However, we do have to watch for cross-contamination in the fryer or a coating applied to the fries.
- Hash browns are the perfect way to add a gluten free starch and carbohydrate to your bacon and egg breakfast.
- Scalloped potatoes are another classic potato dish that goes great with ham. Just be sure that it is prepared with corn starch or gluten free flour to thicken
- Oven roast potatoes are a simple and universal accompaniment that are super easy to prepare. A light toss with some olive oil and a pinch of salt and they are ready to go in the oven.
- Potato chips, as a relief to everyone beginning to eat gluten free with a snack craving. Potato chips are gluten free and do not need to be eliminated from your diet. However, a word of caution, some brands or flavors of potato chip may contain gluten in the seasoning or in the preparation of the potato chip, the ingredients must be checked to confirm that they are gluten free.
Is It Gluten Free Series
Thank you for reading this article in our series, Is It Gluten Free? Potato is a wonderful starch that can be safely included in a gluten free diet.
Beginning to eat a gluten free diet is all about learning what is gluten free. Do you have any foods that you have questioned, Is It Gluten Free? We would love to include any food that you have questions about being gluten free in future articles in the series.
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