Tomato Soup has been a staple in our house and a staple in my home growing up. I remember always having tomato soup with sandwiches on the weekends. We would reach for the basic canned soup, add our water or milk, and then slurp it up. Once Josh and Lydia were diagnosed with Celiac and had to start eating gluten free, I suddenly realized that most of the canned soups we were used to consuming contained wheat.

Whaaaaatttt???? Why does my tomato soup have wheat in it? I was so confused when we first started reading labels at the grocery store. I started to panic as canned soup was a go to food for most of my life. For the first couple years of Josh being celiac, I just kept using the regular canned soup and excluded him in those meals. I didn’t know any better and just thought it was something he couldn’t have and Lydia and I continued to eat the soup as we did before. Once Lydia was diagnosed with Celiac, I suddenly realized that we needed to come up with other options for soup.
Due to the new reality that I had to find alternatives and we needed gluten free soup in our lives, I started hunting and scouring every store we went to. At one point I found a generic brand soup that didn’t have wheat filler. We used that brand for a few years, then suddenly, they changed their recipe and wheat was the first ingredient just like the other cans on the store shelves.
I once again started hunting. I found that canned soup was rarely an option. But during the process, I did find out that many of the soups you find in the health food section of your grocery store don’t have wheat added! Wow! I was so excited. I started buying these soups and felt like we had struck gold.
Tips for Finding the Best Brands of Gluten Free Tomato Soup:

- First read all of the canned soup at various grocery stores – you may be surprised to find one that doesn’t have a wheat filler. But, read the label each time you buy it as often the manufacturers change the recipe on those canned soups
- Head to the health or natural aisle of the store and start reading labels
- Look for the gluten free section of your grocery store and see if there are any gluten free tomato soups
- Often the soup in 1 liter tetra paks will have a gluten free, less processed option
- Log onto Amazon and find gluten free tomato soup
- Or…. Make your own
Our Lydia can be quite fussy on flavor as most kids are. We have tried many varieties of tomato soup and her most favorite is the Imagine Organic Creamy Garden Tomato Soup. You can get it here from Amazon. Many of the soups from Imagine are very delicious! We have tried most of them.
Another gluten free tomato soup that we enjoy is the Pacific Foods Organic Creamy Tomato Soup. Josh and I enjoy this one a bit more than Lydia does, but it is so great to have a couple of options available to us should our first choice not be available. You can easily grab the Pacific Foods soup from Amazon here.
If you are a cracker lover and just need to have soda crackers in your soup, we have finally found some delicious gluten free ones. They are the Schar Gluten Free Table Crackers. If you want to give them a try, you can grab them here!
We are so thankful to have these delicious soups in our lives! After much trial and error, we are so thankful to have found a gluten free tomato soup that we can all enjoy and tastes delicious especially on a rainy day paired with grilled cheese!
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